he Executive Committee consists of the President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, Past-President, President-Elect, and the Regional Chairs. It holds office for the period starting at the end of each World Congress and extending to the beginning of the next. The President-Elect of the Association has the responsibility for organizing the next World Congress.
Executive Commitee
Heung Bong CHA
Professor Emeritus Department Social Welfare, Hallym University, Seoul, South Korea.
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Sung Jae CHOI
Secretary General & Vice President
Prof Choi is currently Professor of Social Welfare, Department of Social Welfare, Seoul National University, and Director, Institute on Aging, Seoul National University, South Korea.
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Dong Ho LEE
Professor of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Director, Health Promotion Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea.
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Immediate Past President
Professor of Medicine, Chief Dept. of Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, Chief Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Research Centre of Toulouse
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President Elect
Professor at the Department of Health Policy and Management, Joseph Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University in New York, USA.
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Regional Chairs
Chair, Africa Region
Leads the Oxford Institute of Aging program of work on Africa and is Co-ordinator of the African Research on Ageing Network (AFRAN).
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Kenneth MADDEN
Chair, North American Region
Associate Professor
Division Head, Vancouver General Hospital
Division of Geriatric Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of British Columbia
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Keith HILL
Chair, Asia & Oceania Region
Prof Keith HILL is presently Head of the School of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University in Perth, Australia.
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Marianela Flores De Hekman
Chair, Latin American & Carribean Region
Coordinator of South Region of theBrazil's Confederation of associations and societies Brazilian Osteoporosis and Osteometabolismo (CEBOM)
Permanent member of Consultative Board of the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology
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Clemens Tesch-Roemer
Chair, European Region
Director of the German Centre of Gerontology and Adjunct Professor of Psychology, FreieUniversitaet Berlin
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The 6th Executive Committee meeting was held on the January 12, 2013 in Seoul, South Korea. The ten members worked together prior to the 20th World Congress scheduled on June 23-27, 2013. See the photo of the participants.
Professor Cha graduated in Sociology from the Seoul National University and obtained his PhD at Choong-Ang University in Korea and began his career in 1971 in the Government of the Republic of Korea as Junior Secretary to the President. He then became Director of the Social Welfare Department and the Health Insurance Department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea.
From 1983 to 2008, Professor Cha joined Hallym University, first as Professor of the Department of Social Welfare, then as Dean of the Social Science College and lastly as Vice President of the Establishment. Between 1997 and 1999, he chaired the Organizing Committee of IAGG’s 6th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress held in Seoul.
In 1999, he became President of the National Pension Corporation of Korea and served as the Minister of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea (1999-2000).
From 2003 to 2005, Prof. Cha was respectively Dean at the Graduate School of Social Welfare at Hallym University, President of the Korean Gerontological Society, President of the Federation of Korean Gerontological Societies, President of the Korean Academy of Social Welfare. In 2004, he was appointed Advisory Chair at the Presidential Committee on Aging and Future Society of The Republic of Korea and two years later Chair of the Ministerial Committee on Future Strategy of Health Care Security. From 2005 to 2013, he served as Chair of the Organizing Committee for the 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics held in 2013, Seoul, Korea. He is currently President of the Korean National Council on Social Welfare.
Professor CHOI graduated from Seoul National University, South Korea (BA in Social Work), from Washington University in St. Louis, USA (MSW in Social Work), from Case Western Reserve University, USA (PhD in Social Welfare). Since 1986, he had been Professor of Social Welfare at Seoul National University until February of 2012 and since then has been Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University and Chair Professor at Hanyang University in Seoul. He has served as President of the Korean Gerontological Society, President of the Korean Academy of Social Welfare and Chair of IAGG-Asia/Oceania Region of IAGG during 2001-2005. He also has worked with many governmental committees and NGOs in Korea. He was appointed as Advisor to Minister of Health and Welfare, Member of Ministerial Committee for Long-Term Care Policy, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korean Government (Jan, 2011 – Oct. 2012) and lastly appointed as Senior Secretary to the President in Employment and Welfare Affairs of the Korean Government (Fe. 2013- Aug. 2013). He served as Chair of Social Welfare Committee of the Citizen’s Coalition of Economic Justice and Christian Ethical Practice Movement. He has also served as editorial board member of Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Geriatrics and Gerontology International.
Professor Lee graduated from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, (MD, BA, PhD)
Amongst many other academic positions in various Korean scientific societies, Prof Lee was appointed Secretary General of the Korean Geriatrics Society (2010 to present).
He is now Professor of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine (since 1995) and Director, Health Promotion Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea (since 2009).
Professor Bruno Vellas was born in 1957 in Toulouse, France and is currently Chairman of the Toulouse Gérontopôle, Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the Toulouse University Hospital, and Chief of Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Research Centre, University of Toulouse. He is also member of the INSERM (National Institute of Medical Research) Unit558 on Aging. He is Principal investigator of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium (EADC) and of other large international trials in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease. Professor Vellas obtained his medical degree (MD) and PhD from the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, and for more than fifteen years now, he has been involved in many studies on Alzheimer's disease. Professor Vellas has published over 300 articles related to Alzheimer’s Disease and specially on disease modifying treatment.
Prof John ROWE obtained his MD and DSc at the University of Rochester, School of Medicine, New York, his BS and PhD at Canisius College, Buffalo, New York. He served as Professor at Harvard Medical School, and authored more than 200 scientific publications, mostly on the aging process.
Since 2012, Prof Rowe is Chairman, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. Forum on Aging, Disability and Independence, Vice Chairman, Board of Fellows, Harvard Medical School, Chairman, Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies. Roundtable on Disability, Aging and Independence. In 2013, he became member of the UCLA Health System Board of Overseers. He is currently Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine, In 2010, Prof Rowe was designated President of IAGG’s 21st Congress scheduled in July 2017.
Professor ABODERIN is a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford (OIA). She has extensive expertise in qualitative research and experience of quantitative analysis and survey design. Her research interests centre on three areas: social and life course determinants of health in old age, ageing and development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and intergenerational family support and social change in SSA.
Dr. Ken Madden is an associate professor of geriatric medicine at the University of British Columbia and the editor-in-chief of the Canadian Geriatrics Journal. His lab has examined the effect of exercise interventions in older adults with Type 2 diabetes, the ability of different forms of exercise to impact arterial stiffness in subjects at high cardiometabolic risk, and the impact of sedentary behaviours on cardiometabolic risk factors.
He has also examined the impact of age and diabetes on postprandial cardiovascular responses and orthostatic intolerance. He is division head of Geriatric Medicine at Vancouver General Hospital, and holds peer-reviewed grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Prof HILL graduated from the Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences in 1980. He has worked primarily in gerontological and neurological physiotherapy clinical roles. Since completing his PhD at The University of Melbourne in 1998, investigating balance dysfunction in older people, he has transitioned to a primarily research role at the National Ageing Research Institute, and La trobe University (2007-2012). In January 2012, he commenced as Head of the Prof HILL graduated from the Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences in 1980. He has worked primarily in gerontological and neurological physiotherapy clinical roles. Since completing his PhD at The University of Melbourne in 1998, investigating balance dysfunction in older people, he has transitioned to a primarily research role at the National Ageing Research Institute, and La trobe University (2007-2012).
Prof Marianela FLORES DE HEKMAN graduated from the Medicine Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and completed medical residency at the Hospital São Lucas in Geriatrics and Gerontology of Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She participated in the Training course and research in the area of Geriatric Cardiology at TOKAI University School of Medicine, Japan, and worked at the Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology Hospital Moinhos de Vento, based in Porto Alegre and Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.
She has held various positions to promote Geriatrics and Gerontology in Latin America Region. She is the coordinator of the South Region of theBrazil's Confederation of associations and societies Brazilian Osteoporosis and Osteometabolismo (CEBOM) and is a Permanent member of Consultative Board of the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. She was President of the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (2006-2008), President of the Commission of Ethics and Regulations of the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (2008-2014), and a Director of the Latin American Education Committee area of Geriatrics and Gerontology (2007-2011). On April 10, 2015, she was appointed as a Chair of the IAGG Latin American and the Caribbean Region during the VII COMLAT Congress held from April 9-11, 2015.
Clemens TESCH-ROEMER received his diploma in psychology from Bochum University and his Ph.D. in psychology from FreieUniversitaet Berlin. Since 1998 he is director of the German Centre of Gerontology in Berlin and since 2003 adjunct professor at the Free University of Berlin.
His current research interestsrelate to the topics quality of life and well-being in old age, health and health behavior, social relations and social integration of older persons, intergenerational family solidarity and societal solidarity, and comparative ageing research. He has published 15 books and more than 160 other scientific publications. He has been (and currently is) principal investigator of European and German surveys and research networks: European COST Network 1402 “Ageism” (since 2014), German Ageing Survey (DEAS, since 2001), German Volunteering Survey (FWS, since 2012), Autonomy DespiteMultimorbidity (AMA, 2008-2013), European project “Old Age and Autonomy: The Role of Service Systems and Intergenerational Family Solidarity” (OASIS, 2000-2003).Since 1998 he is member of the Expert Committees for the German Federal Government for reporting on the life situation of the elderly in Germany.